P6 – The coordinators´ meeting

The coordinators meeting - this meeting is going to be the first and key meeting for our project. The coordinators will either meet in the Czech Republic or the first coordinators´ meeting will be carried out as a webinar. The coordinators compare and compile project results that have been gained so far. The main project coordinator will introduce the development of the project, controlling and evaluation.

Since all the partner countries already cooperated together in the past, we did not have to spend time on getting to know one another and therefore we have decided to carry out our first meeting as a webinar and to discuss the smooth start of the project online. All the coordinators and other key persons keep in touch via email or messenger. We have set up a chatting group where we can cope with our tasks, questions, worries instantly. The development of the project have been introduced and planning calendars have been sent to all partners. Since then, all coordinators have been following the schedule and in case of doubts they contact the main coordinator.