
P11 – Sample lesson I for young/ inexperienced teachers – „The role of UNESCO in the society“

Sample lesson I for young / inexperienced teachers - this lesson will focus on the reading literacy and it will be led by experienced teachers. The main topic will be "The role of UNESCO in the society". The aim is to produce worksheets that will be further used as materials during the short term exchange C1(Poland). Some teachers of each school will present them and show different teaching styles and methods therefore dissemination of materials and exchange of good practice will take place. Worksheets will be placed on the project website for long term usage.

P12 - The tourist guide

The tourist guide - our aim is to make/write a book. There will be a description of one UNESCO site from each country which will be visited during the short term exchanges. The book will be translated into all partners´ languages. There will be 5 identical copies (one for each school). The tourist guide will be practically used during short term exchanges of pupils because all the UNESCO sites described in the guide will be visited by members of Erasmus clubs.

P13 – Excursion

Excursion - the visit of the archive/ record office or any other institution taking care of the selected UNESCO site. Members of Erasmus club will explore and gain necessary information there to be able to map historical progress of one UNESCO site in own country/region.

P14 - Historical Timeline of one selected UNESCO site

Historical Timeline of one selected UNESCO site in each country - members of Erasmus club will map the process of transformation of one selected UNESCO site. It will be based on the information gathered in the archive (see P13). The map can be produced in any suitable way, but handmade. Each map will be shared with other Erasmus clubs during Short-term exchange (C2) in Italy.

P36 – Coordinators´meeting

Coordinators´ meeting - the coordinators´ meeting will take place during the short-term exchange of groups of pupils (see C1). Coordinators will evaluate the results and outcomes reached so far, they will talk about the positives and negatives. In order to prevent any problems, they are going to discuss difficulties that partner schools have to overcome during the project process. And, if there are some, they will make a solution and be helpful.

P41 – The project UNESCO sites map

The project UNESCO sites map: we plan to create a map of Europe on canvas, all partner countries with their symbols and UNESCO sites will be marked/painted there. The map will travel from school to school on the short term exchange. Map will be created step by step according to the hosting country. So this time the general Europe map and then the Polish part will be created. Producing the project UNESCO map is an activity that will take place during the whole project, always during the short-term mobility.

P42 – Video reportage from the visit in Poland (C1)

Video reportage - this activity will take place during each short term exchange, members of all Erasmus Clubs (with the help of teachers) are going to make/take part in a video reportage from the local UNESCO site visit. The Erasmus Club from the hosting school will be in charge of preparing the screenplay, shooting and finalizing the video. The other Erasmus Clubs will help and act in the video.

P43 - The Pilgrim Diary – during C1 in Poland

The Pilgrim Diary - this activity will take place during each short-term exchange. Members of all Erasmus Clubs will be in charge of writing a report from the short- term exchange. Each partner school club will be responsible for reporting one day from the short-term exchange. The reports will be shared on the eTwinning platform for the Irish students so that they are updated.

P15 – Ordinary lesson with the project topic Nr. 2 – “Let´s play with history”

Organising an ordinary lesson with the project topic Nr.2 - "LET´S PLAY WITH HISTORY" - Students from partner schools will produce merchandised products such as puzzles, memory games and other suitable games for small children to promote the national cultural heritage in local nursery schools. We would like to show the UNESCO sites even to children at nursery schools and get them interested in our history, our culture and the beauty around them.